Rotterdam Erasmus MC
In 2013 ARTPred obtained an exclusive patent license from Erasmus MC, the initial inventors of the correlation between the urogenital microbiome and the outcome of IVF.

Healthy population and excellent healthcare. This is what Erasmus MC stands for. Conducting groundbreaking work, pushing boundaries, and leading the way in research, education, and healthcare. Erasmus MC employs practical thinkers, driven professionals with a can-do mentality who use their expertise to expand the pool of knowledge about health and disease, who improve diagnostics and treatment, and who continually look for ways to innovate. Their commitment helps Erasmus MC to help their patients and others with a healthcare need even more effectively, and enables us to keep healthy people healthy for longer.
inbiome (former Microbiome Ltd and IS-diagnostics Ltd) is ARTPred’s partner for Fertility Microbiome profiling with the IS-Pro DNA analysis.
inbiome is a young company focusing on a new generation of clinical diagnostics. They combine cutting-edge IT solutions with innovative chemistry to fully characterize human and product-related microbiota.
inbiome developed a straightforward method to profile the bacterial microflora on all parts of the human body and are discovering its connection to our health. Their proprietary technique, IS-pro™, enables them to reliably characterize complex communities of bacteria.
The Netherlands Genomics Institute (NGI) and ZonMw have awarded the NGI pre-seed grant to the ARTPred project in 2014.

NGI creates societal and economic value from genomics through a network of large-scale Genomics Centres that work on targeted programmes. These centres are consortiums of universities, research institutes, industry and societal organisations. Excellent research, state-of-the-art technology, infrastructure, societal embedding of genomics and a stimulating environment for research talent remain key elements of the NGI strategy. The main shift in focus is towards valorisation, i.e. creating added value from genomics research and application gets top priority.
STW has awarded the valorisation grant phase 1 and Take-off (phase 2) to ARTPred in 2014.

Technology Foundation STW realises the transfer of knowledge between the technical sciences and users. It does this by funding excellent technical scientific research and by bringing researchers and users together in each project.
RedMedTech Ventures
The RedMedTech Discovery Fund has supported ARTPred’s funding proposal in 2014.

RedMedTech Ventures is a support program for Life Science & Health start ups, funded by the Dutch provinces of Gelderland, Overijssel and Noord-Brabant. Executive partners are: Health Valley, Radboud UMC, Isala Clinics, Rijnstate, Medtech Partners, Pivot Park, TU Eindhoven, Saxion Hogescholen, The Decision Group and the Development Agency of the East part of the Netherlands (OOST N.V.).

In 2018 Rabobank has decided to fund ARTPred with a loan for further development of the company and the roll-out of ReceptIVFity in the E.U. markets.
In collaboration with national and international IVF centers ARTPred is initiating an international multicenter clinical trial to validate the results of the first clinical trial by Erasmus MC.